Locksmiths Penketh - Our Services
When you need a locksmith in Penketh call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940 for a no obligation quote we provide the following services, which is not exhaustive if you dont see your lock service required give us a call if we cant help you we will probably know someone who can.
Locks Opened
If you have lost a key, had keys stolen or bought a property in Penketh and do not have a key for one of the door locks then our locksmith in Penketh Derek can help you out. Call us on 07967 778940 and discuss what type of lock it is and we will provide you with a no obligation quote to open the locked door and if required replace the lock. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh our lock opening service can normally be provided the same day. And because we do not charge a call out fee or vat our quote will be competitive in comparison to other locksmiths in Penketh.
Locks Replaced -
There are a number of reason why our customers in Penketh require locks to be replaced. It could be that you have moved into a new property and want to ensure that you are the only owner of keys or it could be that another person has keys or has not returned keys and you need to ensure no one can gain entry to your property without your authorisation. Whatever the reason call Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh on 07967 778940 and speak to Derek or Pam who will provide you with a no obligation quote based around your requirements. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh we carry a large amount of stock so can normally replace your locks on the same day if required.
Emergency Locksmiths -
If you should find yourself locked out because you have left keys in the house, lost keys or had keys stolen then our emergency locksmith service in Penketh could be for right you, give Pam or Derek at Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh a call on 07967 778940 for a quick quote and fast response we work 7 days a week between 0800-2000. At Lockkeys we always prioritise our services so will get to those locked out quickly and will always keep you updated with our arrival time and of course the locksmith attending will be Derek unless you are otherwise informed. On arrival we will always confirm the price before any work is carried out
Locks Fitted
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh we know that there may be occasions when a customer wants to update their security by fitting extra locks on doors or gates. We can help with this by fitting British Standard Locks to upgrade your security or fitting extra security devices such as gate locks and security handles for doors. If you need locks upgrading to something more secure then call Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh on 07967 778940 and speak to Derek or Pam
Upvc Multipoint Door Locks
These types of locks account for more than 70% of all doors in the UK and so our locksmith Penketh Derek is working with these type of locks almost daily. There is a wide range of manufacturers, models and sizes of these multipoint door locks and not one size fits all. It takes knowledge and experience to identify the type of lock, source it and then replace. If you require a quote for work on these type of locks call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940
Local Locksmith Service
Locksmiths providing a local locksmith service in Penketh are more likely to provide a better service at a better price because a lot of their work will be by referrals, word of mouth and of course local locksmiths should be with you more quickly than a national locksmith company simply becuase when you phone them you will be speaking to the locksmith unlike national companies were you will be speaking to a call centre who then has to contact a locksmith to attend. At Lockkeys we provide our locksmith service in Penketh from our base in St Helens.
Garage Door Locks Opened & Replaced
There are many types of garage door locks and not one size fits all in fact some are obsolete such as the one pictured. Its important to be able to open the locks on garage doors correctly so that the wires at the back of the door are not disconnected which will make it far more difficult to open. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Penketh we can help in opening and replacing garage door locks give us a call on 07967 778940 and between us we should be able to identify the type of lock you have on your garage door and how much we would charge to open and replace the lock.
Mailbox Locks Replaced
When moving into a new apartment its important to replace your mailbox lock so no one else will have access to your post. Lockkeys Locksmith Penketh can do this for you. Call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940 and we will provide you with a no obligation quote. When a postbox lock is replaced you can expect two keys with your new lock.
High Security Anti- Snap Locks
If your looking for High Security or Anti Snap Locks in Penketh then you need to be aware that the highest security grade for a euro cylinder in the the UK at the moment is the 3 Star Diamond Grade Euro Cylinder. These locks are specifically designed to withstand a lock snapping attack and although other locks might be describes as anti snap or snap resistant its only the 3 star locks that we would say are anti snap.
The lock themselves can be identified by having a British Standard Kite Mark on the front of the lock with 3 small stars above, you would have to check the manufacturers to find out if they are diamond grade. If your would like a quote for 3 star diamond grade euro cylinders then call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940 to discuss.
Locksmith Training Courses Near Cheshire
Looking for locksmith training in Cheshire ? then why not travel out a bit further to St Helens ? At Lockkeys Locksmith Services we offer different types of locksmith training to suit your needs whether it be part time, full time or qualification route. If interested have a look at our training site www.lockkeystraining.com. We are one of a few locksmith trainers who provide one to one training and students have the opportunity to come out with us on live jobs to see what real life locksmithing is about.